• Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

    • This PAR-Q is designed to help you help yourself. Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise, and completion of the PAR-Q form is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life.

      For most people, physical activity should not pose a hazard or problem.

      The PAR-Q has been designed to identify the small number of people for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or for those who should seek medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them. Common sense is your best guide for answering these questions.


      Please read them carefully and select YES or NO opposite the question, as it applies to you.

    • If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are required to gain consent from your doctor before participating in any of my sessions.

      If you have answered NO to all the above questions, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability for your chosen activity.

      A gradual increase in regular exercise promotes fitness and improves overall health, whilst minimising or eliminating discomfort. Postpone entry into this activity if you feel unwell or have a temporary illness.

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