Core Strength and Stability: We know we need it but most of us aren’t sure how to obtain it…

So in the spirit of sharing: Here are a few entry level ways that you can get in touch with your core stability and improve your strength all whilst reducing back pain and improving the muscle tone around your waist. Bonus!
First up let’s hit the mat to do the STOTT Pilates four point kneeling Leg Pull Front preparatory exercise with an optional hand weight for extra added fire.
Standing Abs exercises are fantastic for challenging your core stability due to the fact that you need to maintain your balance!
I teach Standing Abs in my Total Barre workout classes both in person and online in my Total Barre with Emmeline membership.
Learn more here Take Me To The Barre
By using light hand weights you can add challenge whilst also improving your shoulder stability and upper body strength.
Any previous injury or pain? Go slowly and do these without hand weights.
Lastly… Do you have a hate hate relationship with articles or stomach crunches?
This used to be me too. Flashback to when I was 13 attending Ballet school with a jazz dance teacher are used to make us to literally hundreds of ab curls at a time to some pretty questionable 90’s music.
My neck would hurt, I’d hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut. Hoping for it to be over soon. Sound familiar? I’d love to hear your experiences. Do email me as I love sharing stories.
It wasn’t until after a motorway accident in 2009 when I started my Pilates journey, that I realised I was doing it all wrong. And I’m okay with that. You don’t know till you know right?
A great way to achieve an ab curl (if you still want to try) is to work with a small Pilates ball. 9 or 7 inches is fine. I personally prefer the larger ball as it provides more support.
If you follow my guidance in the video below you should find that any previous neck pain related to performing ab curls is reduced or even eliminated entirely. If you are new or returning to exercise then do consider booking at least one solo session with a professional like myself to get eyes on your technique.
I hope you enjoyed reading and watching. Do email me if you have any questions!
PS If you want to try more STOTT Pilates with me right now then click below for a free 9 minute Pilates Spine Mobiliser Workout.